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503Group 发布于:2022-09-20


Mengmeng Xing(邢蒙蒙)

Born in Henan Province,Dec 1998

Educational Experience:

2016-2020:Bachelor degree,Henan University of Technology

2021-2022:Basic training courses for graduate students in School of Chemical Engineering, UCAS

2022-2024: Dalian National Laboratory of Clean Energy and State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Research Field:

Kinetic Speed Control Steps for Efficient Biotransformation of Proteins


Dalian National Laboratory of Clean Energy, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics(DICP), Dalian, 116023;


Master thesis title:

Stenotrophomonas sp. promotes photosynthesis and growth of microalgae exposed to high concentrations of formate


Supervisors: Prof. Xupeng Cao and A. Prof. Hailong Cao

Defense Date: 2024.5.9


Prof. Song Xue (大连理工大学 薛松教授) Chairman

Prof. Xiaoming Zhao(大连化学物理研究所 赵小明正高级工程师)

Prof. Yongjin Zhou(大连化学物理研究所 周雍进研究员)

A. Prof. Lin Zhang(中石化(大连)石油化工研究院有限公司 张霖副研究员)