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503Group 发布于:2020-07-06

Wenchao Jiang (蒋文超)

Born in Huludao of Liaoning province, 1993.

Experience of Education:

2012-2016: Bachelor Degree in College of Chemistry, Liaoning University 

2016-2019: Master Degree in College of Chemistry, Liaoning University 

2019-2024: Doctor Degree, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) Clean Energy and State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences

Research field: 



Dalian National Laboratory for Clean Energy, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), Dalian, 116023

Email: wcjiang@dicp.ac.cn

PH.D thesis title:

Photogenerated Charge Separation and Water Oxidation Reaction on Lead Chromate Photocatalyst


Supervisors: Prof. Can Li and Prof. Rengui Li

Defense Date: 2024.05.23


Prof. Zhaosheng Li (南京大学 李朝升教授) (Chairman)

Prof. Tongwen Xu (中国科学技术大学 徐铜文教授)

Prof. Qihua Yang (浙江师范大学 杨启华教授)

Prof. Feng Wang (大连化物所 王峰研究员)

Prof. Fuxiang Zhang (大连化物所 章福祥研究员)
