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503Group 发布于:2019-09-30

Dongfeng Li (李东峰)

Born in Henan Province, Oct. 1991

Experience of Education:

2012-2016, Bachelor Degree, Hunan University

2016-2017, Basic training courses for graduate students in Department of Chemical Physics, USTC, Hefei

2017-2023, State Key Laboratory of catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), Chinese Academy of sciences.

Research Interest: 

Time-resolved Spectroscopic Study on Photocatalytic and photoelectrocatalytic Processes


Dalian National Laboratory for Clean Energy, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics(DICP), Dalian, 116023

Email: dfli@dicp.ac.cn

Ph. D Thesis Title:

Photoinduced charge transfer dynamics during water oxidation across surface/interface of photoanodes


Supervisors: Prof. Can Li and Prof. Xiuli Wang

Defense Date: 2023.11.20


Prof. Rui Cao(陕西师范大学 曹睿教授)(Chairman)

Prof. Jungang Hou(大连理工大学 侯军刚教授)

Prof. Xu Zong(大连海事大学 宗旭教授)

Prof. Fuxiang Zhang(大连化学物理研究所 章福祥研究员)

Prof. Zefeng Ren(大连化学物理研究所 任泽峰研究员)