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503Group 发布于:2023-09-08

Enhancing photosynthetic CO2 fixation by assembling metal-organic frameworks on Chlorella pyrenoidosa

Dingyi Li, Hong Dong, Xupeng Cao, Wangyin Wang*, and Can Li*

Nature Communications, 2023, 14(1): 5337.

The CO2 concentration at ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) is crucial to improve photosynthetic efficiency for biomass yield. However, how to concentrate and transport atmospheric CO2 towards the Rubisco carboxylation is a big challenge. Herein, we report the self-assembly of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) on the surface of the green alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa that can greatly enhance the photosynthetic carbon fixation. The chemical CO2 concentrating approach improves the apparent photo conversion efficiency to about 1.9 folds, which is up to 9.8% in ambient air from an intrinsic 5.1%. We find that the efficient carbon fixation lies in the conversion of the captured CO2 to the transportable HCO3 species at bio-organic interface. This work demonstrates a chemical approach of concentrating atmospheric CO2 for enhancing biomass yield of photosynthesis.


在自然光合作用中,植物利用太阳光、水、CO2合成生物质。但是,植物的光合作用效率主要受到光照质量和CO2捕集与传输方面因素的限制,制约了光合作用合成生物质的效率。针对这些科学问题,我组前期通过添加胞外人工电子梭,提高了光吸收饱和点,解除了光抑制(Natural. Sciences.2021);在光合细胞内引入纳米金,研究了暗反应固碳酶催化的限制因素(ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.2023)。目前,在大气水平CO2浓度下,如何捕集浓缩CO2并高效传输到Rubisco酶提高固碳反应动力学,仍是植物光合作用研究领域的挑战课题。


相关研究成果以“Enhancing photosynthetic CO2 fixation by assembling metal-organic frameworks on Chlorella pyrenoidosa”为题,于近日以Editors' Highlights形式发表在《自然—通讯》(Nature Communications)上。该工作的共同第一作者是我组博士研究生李定颐和博士后董鸿。以上工作得到国家自然科学基金委“人工光合成”基础科学中心、国家自然科学基金、中国科学院青促会等项目的资助。(文/ 李定颐、王旺银)
