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CO2加氢方向取得新进展(Progress in research on CO2 hydrogenation)

503Group 发布于:2023-06-25



Utilizing renewable energy such as solar energy to produce hydrogen from water splitting through photocatalysis, photocatalysis or electrocatalysis coupled with CO2 hydrogenation to produce methanol and other fuels is an effective strategy to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality, and it is also one of the important paths for artificial photosynthesis. This work uses operando technology and theoretical calculation to track the surface reaction process and catalyst performance at the same time. The results show that the Zn-O-Zr asymmetric active site on the ZnZrOx catalyst is important for the formation and conversion of intermediatessuch as carbonate and formate species. In the initial stage of the reaction, CO2 is mainly adsorbed on the surface as bidentate carbonate species, and H2 is activated in the form of heterolytic dissociation. The Hδ- species produced by H2 heterolytic dissociation and Cδ+ center in the species (CO3*, HCOO*, H2CO*, etc.) undergoes a nucleophilic reaction, easily forms C-H bonds which couples an equimolar proton transfer process to produce methanol. During the whole reaction process, the Zn-O-Zr asymmetric sites on the surface of ZnZrOx catalyst showed the synergistic effects at the atomic level (Zn sites promoted the heterolytic dissociation of H2, and Zr sites stabilized the adsorbed carbon-oxygen species), so it was found that such adjacent heterogeneous asymmetric sites are the essential reason for the high-performance synthesis of methanol.


近日,我CO2加氢制甲醇的机理研究方面取得新进展。利用operando IR-MS技术,揭示了ZnZrOx固溶体催化剂相邻的Zn-O-Zr不对称活性中心对于CO2活化和催化加氢的协同促进机理。

利用太阳能等可再生能源,通过光催化、光电催化或电催化分解水制氢耦合CO2加氢制甲醇等燃料或化学品是实现碳中和目标有效策略,也是人工光合成的重要路径之一。CO2加氢制甲醇过程中,产物的选择性调控和催化剂稳定性是制约甲醇高效制备的关键因素,针对该问题,李灿院士团队前期研发了一系列双金属氧化物固溶体催化剂(Sci Adv. 2017; ACS Catal. 2019),以ZnZrOx催化剂为代表,该类催化剂可以同时实现甲醇合成的高选择性和稳定性。此外,对ZnZrOx固溶体催化剂的改性和掺杂可进一步提高反应的催化性能(J Catal. 2021; J Catal. 2021; Chinese Journal of Catalysis. 2023)。目前,固溶体催化剂已被国内外研究者广泛应用于二氧化碳转化制甲醇及其他二氧化碳加氢转化反应。尽管如此,H2CO2在固溶体催化剂表面的吸附活化及吸附物种如何加氢转化为甲醇的微观机理等仍不甚清楚。



相关研究成果以“Asymmetric sites on ZnZrOx catalyst for promoting formate formation and transformation in CO2 hydrogenation.”为题,于近日以全文形式发表《美国化学会志》(Journal of the American Chemical Society)上。该工作的第一作者是我所博士研究生冯振东。上述工作得到了国家自然科学基金委,“人工光合成”基础科学中心项目(FReCAP, 22088102)的支持。(/ 冯振东)




Sci Adv.2017: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.1701290

ACS Catal.2019: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acscatal.9b03449

J Catal.2021: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021951721000853

J Catal.2021: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021951721004024?via%3Dihub

Chinese Journal of Catalysis. 2023: https://www.cjcatal.com/EN/10.1016/S1872-2067(22)64176-7