
503Group 发布于:2019-11-06

Zhiliang Wang 王志亮
Born in January 1989, Xinyang, Henan.

Experience of Education: 
1. Sep. 2011-May 2017Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), China 
2. Sep. 2007-May 2011B.S. in Applied Chemistry Central South University (CSU), Changsha, China.

E-mail: zlwang@dicp.ac.cn

Ph. D Thesis Title: Charge Transfer in Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation on Semiconductor-based Photoanode

Supervisor: Prof. Can Li

Defense Date: May 19th, 2017

Prof. Mei Wang (王梅) (Chairman)
Prof. Wansheng You (由万胜) 
Prof. Ming Hou (侯明)
Prof. Fuxiang Zhang (章福祥)
Prof. JIngying Shi (施晶莹)