Shichao Liao 廖世潮
Born in Sanming city of Fujian province, China.
Experience of Education:
1. 2010-2017, Ph.D., State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
2. 2006-2010, Bachelor degree, Xiangtan University
Research Interest: Solar chemical, Energy storage
Ph. DResearch on Photoelectrocatalytic Regeneration of Redox Couples in Flow Cell for Solar Energy Storage
Supervisor: Prof. Can Li, Prof. Jian Chen
Defense Date: May 17th, 2017
Prof. Xueping Gao (高学平) (Chairman)
Prof. Wansheng You (由万胜)
Prof. Qihua Yang (杨启华)
Prof. Ming Hou (侯明)
Prof. Xu Zong (宗旭)