王 楠

503Group 发布于:2019-11-06

Nan Wang(王楠)

Born in Dalian, Liaoning Province, China,

Experience of Education:

2008-2014, PhD. State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science.

2004-2008, Bachelor degree, School of Physics and Optoelectronic Technology, Dalian University of Technology.

E-mail: nwang@dicp.ac.cn

Research Interest: Photoelectrochemical water splitting

Ph. D Thesis Title: Morphology Control of WO3 Photoanodes and Their Photoelectrochemical Properties

Supervisor: Prof. Can Li, Associate Prof. Jingying Shi

Defense Date: September 11, 2014


Prof. Lizhong Hu (胡礼中) (Chairman)
Prof. Qihua Yang (杨启华)
Prof. Jian Chen (陈剑)
Prof. Hongxian Han (韩洪宪)
Prof. Bin Dong (董斌)