郭 强

503Group 发布于:2019-11-06



Qiang Guo (郭强)

Born in 1985,  Luoyang, Henan province;

Experience of Education:

2003-2007, Bachelor degree, Sichuan University

2007-present, M.S. student, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics

Interested in Raman Spectroscopy;

Address: State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Dalian, 116023;

Telephone: 86-411-84379302;

Email: qguo@dicp.ac.cn

Ph. D Thesis Title: 
UV-Raman spectroscopic studies of the titanium containing zeolite
Supervisor: Prof. Can Li, Prof. Zhaochi Feng
Defense Date: October,31 2013
Prof. Xinwen Guo(郭新闻) (Chairman)
Prof. Guiru Wang(王桂茹
Prof. Qihua Yang(杨启华
Prof. Zhijian Tian(田志坚
Prof. Shuang Gao(高爽)