王 翔

503Group 发布于:2019-11-06

Xiang Wang(王翔)


Born in 1984, Henan province 


2007-2013 PhD. Candidate (Physical Chemistry), State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 

2003-2007 BS in Chemistry, Northeastern University, China

E-Mail: xiangwang.chn@gmail.com 

Research Interests: Photocatalytic water splitting

Ph. D Thesis Title: 

Effects of phase junction and heterojunction of gallium oxide on photocatalytic waster splitting 


Supervisor: Prof. Can Li

Defense Date: July 5, 2013


Prof. Licheng Sun(孙立成) (Chairman)

Prof. Wansheng You(由万胜) 

Prof. Weiqiao Deng(邓伟侨) 

Prof. Wenhua Zhang(张文华) 

Prof. Zhaochi Feng(冯兆池)