林 峰

503Group 发布于:2019-11-06

Feng Lin(林峰)


Place of Birth: Born in Inner Mongolian


2006-2012 PhD. Candidate (Physical Chemistry), State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 

2002-2006 Bachelor Degree (Chemistry),Dept. of Chem., Inner Mongolian Univ. 

E-Mail: flin@dicp.ac.cn 

Research Interests: Environmental Photocatalysis

Ph. D Thesis Title: 

Highly Efficient Photocatalytic Oxidation of Sulfur-containing Organic Compounds and Dyes on Semiconductors with Dual Cocatalysts


Supervisor: Prof. Can Li, Prof. Zongxuan Jiang

Defense Date: February 1, 2013


Prof. Mei Wang (王梅) (Chairman)

Prof. Wansheng You (由万胜) 

Prof. Wenzhao Li (李文钊) 

Prof. Qihua Yang (杨启华) 

Prof. Zhaochi Feng(冯兆池)