刘 鹏

503Group 发布于:2019-11-06


Peng Liu  (刘 鹏)


Place of Birth: Hubei Province

Education Background:

1996-2003, Bachelor and M.S. degree, China University of Geosciences

2003-2009, Ph.D. degree, 503 Group (Can Li Group),

State Key Laboratory of Catalysis (SKLC),

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP),

Chinese Academy of Science (CAS)

My hobbies: Sports, Movies and Novel

E-mail: pengliu503@yahoo.com.cn pliu@dicp.ac.cn 


Research Interests:

(1)     Novel application of nanostructured materials in heterogeneous catalysis, green oxidation, biocatalysis and biomass transformation

(2)     Synthesis and assembly of functional nanomaterials including layered double hydroxides, polyoxometalates, nanoparticles/nanofibers and biological/biomimic nanostructures

(3)     Development of new methodology for immobilization or heterogenization of homogeneous catalysts, especially chiral catalysts


Ph. D Thesis Title: Epoxidation of olefins over polyoxometalate nanoclusters assembled in layered double hydroxides

Supervisor: Prof. Can Li

Defense Date: April 29, 2009

Prof. Xue Duan (Academician, chairman)

Prof. Zilin Jin

Prof. Jie Xu

Prof. Shuang Gao

Prof. Qihua Yang