
503Group 发布于:2019-11-06

Yanmei Zhang (张艳梅)

Gender: Female

Place of Birth : Henan Province 

Education Background

1999—2003, Department of Chemistry, Lanzhou University,

2003—2008, 503 Group (Can Li’s Group), 

State Key Laboratory of Catalysis (SKLC), 

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP),

Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) 

Hobbies: Sports and reading.

E-mail: zmy535@126.com



Research Interests: Heterogeneous chiral catalysis and enzyme immobilization

1) Heterogeneous asymmetric epoxidation

2) Enzyme immobilization and application in chiral catalysis

Ph. D Thesis Title: The Catalytic Performance of Lipase from Burkholderia cepacia Immobilized in (on) Nanomaterials

Supervisor: Prof. Can Li

Defense Date: Dec 29, 2008 


Prof. Shugui Cao (Chairman) 

Prof. Zhilong Xiu

Prof. Xiaojun Ma 

Prof. Zongbao Zhao

Prof. Yonggui Zhou