李 军

503Group 发布于:2019-11-06

Jun Li (李军)

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Sichuan Province 

Education Background:

1996—2003, Bachelor and M.S. degree, Department of Chemistry, Central China Normal University

2003—2008, 503 Group (Can Li Group), 

State Key Laboratory of Catalysis (SKLC), 

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP),

Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) 

My hobbies: Sports, chinese chess and computer

E-mail: jli@dicp.ac.cn



Research Interests: Asymmetric catalysis and green chemistry

1) Development of new aqueous organometallic catalysis for asymmetric
hydrogenation of unsaturated compounds

2) Development of new methodology for heterogenization of homogeneous
catalysts, especially chiral catalysts

3) Synthesis of novel amphiphilic polymers and their self-assembly as

Ph. D Thesis Title: Heterogeneous Catalytic Transfer Hydrogenation on Solid Surfaces and in Emulsions

Supervisor: Prof. Can Li

Defense Date: Dec 15, 2008 


Prof. Xianjun Li (chairman) 

Prof. Zilin Jin

Prof. Zhengkun Yu 

Prof. Qihua Yang

Prof. Yonggui Zhou