| Jian Liu(刘健) |
Personal: | Date of birth: May, 1980 |
| Place of birth: Jining, Inner Mongolia |
| Hobbies: badminton, tennis, snooker |
| E-mail: jianliu1980@yahoo.com |
Experience of Education: |
August 2005 to present: State Key Laboratory of Catalysis( SKLC ), Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics ( DICP ), Ph.D.student, supervised by professor Qihua Yang and professor Can Li ( Canli's Group ), interested in organic-inorganic mesoporous materials for biocatalysis and biosensors |
September 2002 to March, 2005 M.E., Applied Chemistry/Physical Chemistry. Department of Chemical Engineering, Harbin Engineering University (HRBEU) and State Key Laboratory of Catalysis( SKLC ), Dalian Insitute of Chemical Physics( DICP ), supervised by professor Qihua Yang and professor Yajun Guo, interested in synthesis, characterization and application of functionalized periodic mesoporous materials |
September1998 to July 2002 B.E., Inorganic Metaloid Materials/Silicate. Department of Chemical Engineering, Inner Mongolia Polytechnic University (IMPU) |
Research Interests Mesostructure and Morphology Control of Mesoporous Materials; In-situ Encapsulation of Catalyst into the Mesoporous Silicas: Biomimetic Synthesis of Inorganic Materials; Nanostructured Materials for their Applications in Biotechnology and Drug Delivery. |
Ph. D Thesis Title: Mesostructural and Morphological Control of Functionalized Mesoporous Silicas under Mild Conditions |
Supervisor: Prof.Qihua Yang, Prof. Can Li (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics) |
Defense Date: September 19, 2008 |
Committee: Prof. Yi Tang (chairman, Fudan University) Prof. Anjie Wang (Dalian Universtiy of Technology) Prof. Guoxing Xiong (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics) Prof. Weishen Yang (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics) Prof. Ding Ma (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics) |