Li Dingyi (李定颐) Born in 1994, Huanggang, Hubei Province
Experience of Education: 2011-2015:
Bachelor Degree, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)
2015-2018: Master Degree, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)
2018-2023: Doctor Candidate, Nankai University (Collaboration with Dalian National Laboratory for Clean Energy and State Key Laboratory of Catalysis)
Research Field:
Natural and artificial photosynthetic hybrid systems for solar water splitting
Dalian National Laboratory for Clean Energy, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics(DICP), Dalian, 116023
Email: dyli@dicp.ac.cn
Abiotic approaches to regulate photosynthesis of microalgae
导师: 李 灿 研究员/院士
答辩日期: 2023.11.24
姜忠义 教 授(天津大学)(主席)
赵 磊 研究员(天津工业生物技术研究所)
喻其林 教 授(南开大学)
张洪波 研究员(南开大学)
陈闪山 研究员(南开大学)