Wenqin Zhou (周文琴) Born in Baiyin, Gansu Province
Experience of Education: 2014-2018: Bachelor degree, Tianjin University of Science & Technology, TUST 2018-2019: Graduate course, Dalian University of Technology, DLUT 2019-2023: State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics(DICP), Chinese Academy of Sciences
Research Field: DNA Catalysis
Address: State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Dalian, 116023
Email: wqzhou@dicp.ac.cn |
Ph. D Thesis Title:
Studies on the Recognition and Catalytic Function of G-quadruplex DNA
Supervisors: Prof. Can Li
Defense Date: 2023.11.27
Prof. Chunying Duan(大连理工大学 段春迎教授)(Chairman)
Prof. Jingli Yuan (大连理工大学 袁景利教授)
Prof. Jianhua Qin (大连化物所 秦建华研究员)
Prof. Guangyan Qing(大连化物所 卿光焱研究员)
Prof. Yu Liu (大连化物所 刘宇研究员)