Shan Pang,Postdoctor

State Key Laboratory of Catalysis/Solar Energy Division


Education and Work Experiences:

2017- Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Postdoctor (Supervisor: Prof. Can Li).

2008-2016, School of Materials, Henan University 

2005-2008, PhD in Physical Chemistry, Jilin University (Supervisor: Prof. Dejun Wang). 

2002-2005, Master, Key Lab for Special Functional Materials, Ministry of Education, Henan University, (Supervisor: Prof. Zuliang Du). 

1998-2002, Bachelor of Science, Department of Physics, Henan University.

Research Interests:

Study on the photogenerated charge transfer properties of nanomaterials and its application in photoelectric devices

Representative Publications:

1.Shan Pang, Tengfeng Xie, Yu Zhang, Xiao Wei, Min Yang, Dejun Wang*; Du, Zuliang, Study on the Origin of the Open-Circuit Photovoltage Enhancement in TiO2 Nanotube-Based Dye Sensitized Solar Cells J. Phys. Chem. C 2007, 111, 18417-18422. 

2.Shan Pang, Ke Cheng, Zhanqiang Yuan, Suyun Xu, Gang Cheng, Zuliang Du* Study on dynamics of photoexcited charge injection and trapping in CdS quantum dots sensitized TiO2 nanowire array film electrodes Appl. Phys. Lett. 2014, 104, 201601 

3. Furui Tan, Zhijie Wang, Shengchun Qu, Dawei Cao, Kong Liu, Qiwei Jiang, Ying Yang, Shan Pang,* Weifeng Zhang,* Yong Lei* and Zhanguo Wang A CdSe thin film: a versatile buffer layer for improving the performance of TiO2 nanorod array: PbS quantum dot solar cells  Nanoscale, 2016, 8(19), 2040-3364