Our group attending the 17th Chinese National Conference on Light Scattering

503Group POSTED:2013-10-28

The 17th Chinese National Conference on Light Scattering was held in Shaanxi in October 19-22, 2013. Over 360 participants from 88 universities and research institutes attended this conference. The conference is containing 6 plenary lectures, 33 invited reports, 51 oral presentations and 173 posters. The main topics discussed involve Raman scattering, Brillouin scattering, Infrared Spectroscopy, Luminescence Spectroscopy , SERS and Absorption spectroscopy etc.

    Dr. Fengtao Fan was invited to give a plenary lecture entitled “Spectroscopic Study on the Synthesis of Catalytic Materials and Active Sites in Reactions”. Dr. Baokun Huang exhibited the Home-made portable UV-Raman spectrograph. The committee was updated during the conference, and Prof. Can Li was selected as the new editor in chief of The Journal of Light Scattering. It was also decided that the next conference will be held in Sichuan.    
